3T ponies&horses is proud to introduce Ella, a gorgeous 2018 grade grey welsh mare!
Ella is fancy all the way around, from her long resume, to her stand out looks, big personality and work ethic, she’s the real deal wrapped into a cute 11.2 hand package.
Ella is well broke to ride. She’s got all the fancy buttons, such as spins, side passing, picks her leads up from a walk, and a wicked stop. She rides through the seat and legs, and rides western, English, bare back and bridle less!
Ella’s resume consists of halter breaking minis, dragging in sick calves, hauling sleds around, roping and dragging things off her, and going out to the big pasture to herd up and drive home the horses. She has had countless outside miles, is brave around cows, trail rides through bush, narrow trails, up and down the big hills of the valley, over creek crossings and hops over logs.
She rides off the yard alone or in a group, and is not herd bound.
Ella has been hauled all over, from parades, to gymkhanas and small town fairs. She’s been shown in halter (has a few championships under her belt), western and English flat classes, horsemanship and reining.
She also runs a good barrel and pole pattern and though she’s not had formal training on jumping, she’s had quite a few hours of popping over jumps for fun.
She hauls, loads/unloads, ties all day/over night, and eats and drinks well on the the road. She was the top pick each night at the small town shows for a few games of mantracker (aka glorified tag) where she spent the evenings with her rider chasing kids down all over the fair grounds to tag them all. Due to that she’s had a lot of exposure to kids running and screaming all about. As of end of January we also have got her started driving. She will have miles with the cart before sale day and will be well started driving.
A Driving video has been added to our YouTube channel, check it out!
Ella is safe on the ground, she’s great with her feet, lunges, easy to tack up, baths and clips well, she is usually good to catch, but if she’s a bit sassy just grab grain and she can’t get to you quick enough. She also has a fun little trick of lying down on command.
Personality wise, Ella is very much a people pony, she loves to just hang out and wants all the attention. She puts up with the crazy things we throw at her, (such as fire, tarps, and shooting guns off around her) but she isn’t a deadhead.
Even if she has feed in front of her, she’ll often whinny when she sees you and come to the gate. She’s respectful, and takes correction well when it’s needed.
We have put all of the training on her, and know her well. She’s safe, sane, kind and a really fun little mare.
We’d consider her a step up or ranch pony, as she’s got some spunk, is gritty and can be a bit more forward if given a bunch of time off (she’s the same pony otherwise). A little cowboy or cowgirl would have an absolute blast with her, but she also does well for beginners or little kids and has been used for the odd lesson.
We’ve kept her tuned up, and she has not been aloud to develop any bad habits or vices. She lives outside in a pen with a bunch of other ponies, she middle of the herd, and gets along fine with the horses too (she does try and be a bit bossy, but nothing like some pony mares).
She’s sound, and kept up to date on farrier (always been barefoot, and has great feet), deworming, teeth, vaccinations, body work (tells tale signs she needs bodywork we’ve found are she’ll be a bit cranky/ear shy or have trouble with her leads, an adjustment and she’s good to go) and will have an up to date negative coggins test. She’s not foundered or had injuries or health issues. She’s blemish free.
We will be riding her up until sale day.
Feel free to follow along with us on Facebook (3T ponies&horses). We will be posting short videos to show her off until sale day.
We have loved having this little mare, and though we’ll be sad to see her go, we are excited for her next chapter and to see some kids get an awesome one of a kind pony.
Please text Anna Thiessen if you have any questions.
Bid on this horse at the 12th Annual Top Gun Horse Sale on April 12, 2025 in Ponoka, AB.
YouTube Video Link