
Posted: Jan 22, 2025 (2 months ago)


Pippen is 1/4 draft 3/4 quarter horse cross. He gets noticed where ever I go with his stature and unique color. He is 5 years old this year. He has a solid foundation with all the buttons, neck reins and moves off your legs. I have used Pippen to do almost anything we do on the ranch. He has been used to gather cows and sort. He has drug calves to the fire at brandings. I started roping this winter so I have used him to rope the sled off of . He likes that allot. I also used him to carry flags at the High School Rodeos. He has been on trail rides, and poker rallies by himself with no other horses he knows. I can take him out in the field by himself or lead a young colt. He was taken to the mountains by my step dad for a 2 week sheep hunt in the Wilmore. He led the pack string in and was used for the daily hunt trips. Pippen crossed lots of creeks, rivers, and boggs while on the trip. I have taught him tricks like parking, laydown, and mounted shooting. He takes everything I do with him pretty well. He has been turned out for a few extended periods when I was busy doing other things. When I resumed riding him he takes off right where we ended.
He loads and hauls in a trailer and also is good with a farrier. He had shoes put on for the mountains but I mostly use him barefoot because he has really good feet. He gets along with other horses and has also been with mares with no issues.
Pippen is a very quick learner, and can be personalble. Easy to catch even in huge pens or pasture. His teeth were done in February.

Bid on this horse at the 12th Annual Top Gun Horse Sale on April 12, 2025 in Ponoka, AB.


Lola Hogg 7808140140
Breed: Draft Cross
Colour: Bay Roan
Year: 2020 (5 years old)
Gender: Gelding
Height: 15.3 Hands
Location: Teepee Creek
Registration: Grade

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